----------------------->  Special Commands: [Press SPACE to pass the TURN]  <-----------------------

Aspiring to be like his legendary father, Donkus sets off to complete a Dungeon.
Protect him from danger from the shadows...
And protect his feelings by staying hidden!

You play as the father, not the hero, of this Dungeon Crawling Puzzle.

As a Mage, teleport to stay in hiding, blast wind to push things along, and shoot fireballs to light the way.

Protect and guide Donkus though these dungeons to give him the adventure he deserves!




Make sure you're in the shadows by the end of your turn!

Moving 1 Space uses [1 Mana]. Think carefully about where you want to be.

You don't want your son to feel bad about you helping!




Sometimes you might find yourself in a tricky spot.

Use [2 Mana] to jump to any Blue Tiles in your range!

Use teleport right and Donkus will never see you!




Fireballs can give Donkus the light he needs to see!
With a cost of 3 Mana, using a Fireball First will end your turn.
What happens if you use one on an enemy???


Wind Gust

Wind Gust pushes back any Characters in the surrounding tiles from where it's cast.
Try to be Creative with where you cast it!
Can you discover a hidden move??



Credits For GMTK GameJam 2023


         _____   ____  _   _ _  ___    _  _____ 
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{>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<         F.A.Q          .>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<)
Q: I saw the intro and started a New Game. How do I do anything on the map
A: Press the [N] Key on your keyboard to progress through Dialogue to start
Q: How come Donkus won't go to the Door in the first Fireball Level???
A: Try having him interact with the Chest and Key in a different order. 
Characters can't see past corners.

*Special thanks to Florian B of LoSpec.com for the "Endesga 64" palette*


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build.zip 27 MB
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